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Hibernate and Restore Yoga

Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well.

Nature demands that we insulate more as winter encourages us to wear more layers, stay inside, and do fewer activities outdoors. We are urged to move inward for rest and replenishment, just as the earth stops producing in order to build a new reserve and be bountiful again in the spring.

Start your journey into winter with a restorative yoga evening that will help you to warm the body, create circulation, encourage elimination, and cultivate inward awareness and receptivity without expending unnecessary energy or depleting ourselves.

Remember--as you take care of yourself this winter know that you are nourishing yourself for more than the present moment. For how you nurture yourself throughout winter, will dictate how you bloom up in spring.

Sunday 30 May

What to bring:
Wear layered clothing
Yoga mat
Open heart

Tickets are $49

May 23

women’s empowerment krav maga workshop

June 14

men’s health week