Functional Fitness Circuit Classes
So what is functional fitness?
Functional fitness is a type of exercise that supports your everyday life. It includes movements such as walking, pushing, pulling, bending, squatting, lunging, and core. These exercises improve functional strength.
Functional fitness is something that is rooted in all of us. Our bodies were developed with the intention of having all of our muscles work together and support each other to accomplish certain movements and tasks. Isolating certain muscle groups to add mass was not what our bodies were naturally made for.
Zeroing in on these aspects of your training will have numerous benefits that translate to your everyday life. Movements such as walking, jogging, running, sprinting, jumping, lifting, pushing, pulling, bending, twisting, turning, standing, starting, stopping, climbing, and lunging, will be made easier while training to improve functional strength.
The benefits of functional fitness for everyday life
Besides making you more well-rounded as a person, functional fitness has a number of benefits. These include benefits for your health, everyday life, and athletic performance. Let’s take a look at five of the major benefits of functional fitness:
· Improves everyday life
· Improves balance and posture
· Burns calories
· Improves mental health
· Increases agility and mobility
· Helps maintain healthy bones and joints
· Greater muscle memory
· Helps increase energy level
· Reduced risk of injury
Besides burning calories and toning your body, functional fitness circuit classes at UB help to prepare the body for real-life movements and activities. By training your muscles to work together you prepare them for everyday tasks you might do at home, at work, or in sports. Movements such as squatting, reaching, pulling, and lifting will be made easier with our functional fitness classes integrated into your exercise routine.
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